Monday, September 26, 2011

Educating Bryan Fischer

For a group that claims to be "pro-life" and "pro-family," the American Family Association and its representative Bryan Fischer sure don't seem to know much of anything about pregnancy. Listen to Fischer talk to Brad Pruitt, Executive Director of Yeson26, and see if your jaw doesn't just hit the floor in surprise:

That's right. According to Fischer, pregnancies that endanger the life of the mother are so rare that they practically never happen and have "virtually" never been written about in the medical literature.

Now let's look at a reality-based perspective courtesy of the American Pregnancy Association. Here are the pregnancy statistics for the United States:

 4,058,000 live births per year
 1,995,840 losses per year
~6,000,000 pregnancies per year

That's already bad news if you're unborn. You only have about a 66% chance of being born.

Now based on this, let's look at the kinds of losses:

64,000 - ectopic pregnancies
 6,000 - molar pregnancies (GTD or uterine cancer)

That's just about 1.2% of all pregnancies in the U.S. that can endanger the mother's life if not treated. The chances of saving the fertilized egg is so small and the risk of waiting can be so great that it's not feasible to even try to save it in most cases.

  26,000 - stillbirth.
600,000 - miscarriage

These can happen for a variety of reasons and many of them do not present a significant risk to the mother. However, according to the Preeclampsia Foundation, 18% of U.S. maternal deaths are caused by preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP Syndrome (which I have had), and other hypertensive issues. Many times women can get care soon enough to survive and deliver a healthy baby but, many times, they simply can't.

"875,000 women experience one or more pregnancy complications." Certainly not all of these are dangerous, much less fatal, but Fischer acts like this stuff doesn't happen at all. He seems to think that pregnancy is all roses for women.

Let's look at some world statistics from WHO:

     1500 - number of women who die every DAY from childbirth worldwide
536,000 - number of maternal deaths in 2005 in developing countries that were avoidable.

Four major killers of mothers:

1. Severe bleeding (usually postpartum)
2. Infections (usually postpartum)
3. Hyptertensive disorders
4. Obstructed labor

For Bryan Fischer to say that women almost never die in childbirth and that there is "virtually" no record of such in the medical literature either reflects the grossest ignorance possible or is a flat-out lie. Since he claims to have done the research before he states this, I think it's likely that he's just lying.

Something does indeed smell fishy, Mr. Fischer, but it isn't a red herring. It's you.


  1. Do you know if the full interview is out there? I'd really like to watch it. I can't believe this guy would spread such garbage, but what can you expect from the American Family Association?

  2. Yes, the link to the full AFA youtube clip is available if you roll over Fischer's name just above my clip. Our links are not all showing up properly but they're there.

  3. Thank you for putting together the information on this proposition. This is such an important issue for women. As a mother of a four (three females) it greatly concerns me. I've read through your blog site and feel it is like meeting a kindred spirit. Definately, bookmarking this page.

    I watched the entire YouTube conversation referenced twice. It can cause one to want to vomit and choke trying to listen to the tripe. How does he do it with a straight face? Really?!?

    In addition to your information above, there are two other areas which made me sit back and say, HUH?!?”
    Mr. Pruitt states that he is the father of two IVF children. Yet, in reference to banning IVF, he states, "I would ... never deny people the utter joy that my wife and I experienced through this blessing of God..." Isn’t Mr. Pruitt a little confused, hypocritical, and disingenuous? After all, he does not want artificial means to terminate or deter pregnancies; however, finds it acceptable (even a blessing) to use artificial means to begin a pregnancy? Isn't the blessing of God what happens naturally? In other words, the artificial means of IVF is not natural so how does he articulate that it is a "blessing of God?" No wonder the uneducated voter will swallow the line and vote the way they are told. It is easier than trying to sort out the hypocrisy.
    The second "Duh, HUH" moment was Bryan Fischer’s half-baked comment quoting Ezekiel 18:20 “…The son will not bear the punishment for the father’s iniquity…” should take a look at Exodus 34:7 “…yet, He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations." So, Mr. Fischer, which is it, if you want to quote the Bible?

    When is it time for the next Redonkulous Redneck Award?

  4. Welcome to the site. Make yourself at home! I believe these people rely on the ignorance and lack of education in this state to let their talking points go unchallenged. It's important to us that the facts get out there to people in a way they can digest so we try different media to see what's effective.

    It's very frustrating to see these people say things that are not true and flip-flop on issues and yet they seem to have no repercussions. We'd like to change that in whatever small way we can.

    Our fans can be an important part of this by adding critique as you have done and making suggestions. Although we are freethinkers, we love our theist friends and want to work with them toward a better future.

    Please come back and visit soon. There's bound to be an RRA given soon!

  5. Thank you! I will be hanging around as I've now set up my own Google Blog page. >Whew< what a chore.

    I believe that all Mississippi women need to know how this will impact them and their families. Of course, the men too. Thanks again for having everything so compact.
